Wednesday 28 May 2014


"LILLY" the stingray

Today is Lilly's turn!

We have previously introduced you to some of the stingrays at the Sandbar in Grand Cayman - today we talk to you about Dwayne's favourite girl.

Excursions to Stingray City Sandbar
Lilly the stingray puckers up for a kiss
Our excursion guests are amazed at how the stingrays recognise the different boats and  crew members, swarming over to meet their favourites! Dwayne has a soft spot for Lilly (and she for him) - she is such a gentle giant and really puckers up for those kisses.

This young adventure seeker on yesterday's tour was intrepid at first, but Lilly just patiently hung in there until the magic happened - we think they both deserve 7 years good luck!

Stingray City Excursions Grand Cayman
Stingray City Sandbar in Grand Cayman
Lilly is in excellent condition and has very few marks on her - life in the seas can leave a few scars.  However,  Lilly's gentle & sweet nature must affect everything around her - hence the almost flawless complexion!

We adore you Lilly - stay safe and happy!